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H.I.C. regards learners as the main stakeholders in education who deserve the right for the acquisition of knowledge and proper guidance. Admission to the college is open to any learner irrespective of race colour, religion or creed, from grade 8 to 12. Hoedspruit Independent College (H.I.C) is a private secondary school situated in a quite and rural site 3km South of Klaserie and 27km South of Hoedspruit at a place called Meetsemokgoro Park along the White River - Phalaborwa road (R40 Road). This college was relocated from Boston in Hoedspruit in 2008. The college has boarding facilities for those learners who would like to stay at the college premises.

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The South African Schools Act (SASA) of 1996 established a national schooling system and recognised two categories of schools: public and independent. Public schools are state controlled and independent schools are privately governed. All private schools were included into the independent school category.

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