To produce young people with the confidence to shape the future, our educators view each member of our student body as a unique individual. Being a relatively small school, we are able to rediscover and nurture the strengths and talents of each one of our students. At the same time we are large enough to offer our students the advantages of an all-encompassing education that provides them with a wide subject choice, as well as a diverse range of sporting and cultural opportunities. The infrastructure of the King David Victory Park family-like environment facilitates the essential one-on-one tuition and hands-on coaching, which allows everyone to thrive. We pride ourselves on being able to provide everyone with a chance to participate in the classroom, on the sports field, socially and culturally. We strive for participation that encourages meaningful personal relationships, teamwork, and commitment to causes beyond the attainment of individual prestige.
Show Private Schools. We show private schools detail from all over South Africa because you need to find the best school for your child. We include the telephone number as well as when available the website link.
The South African Schools Act (SASA) of 1996 established a national schooling system and recognised two categories of schools: public and independent. Public schools are state controlled and independent schools are privately governed. All private schools were included into the independent school category.