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St George's College Vision:

St George’s College is a Christian school. We are inspired by our faith in God, and are a people of hope, imagination and commitment. St George’s College is a place of learning where acceptance and belonging prevails. We value the unique richness of every individual member of the school community.

St George's Mission:

In a dynamic and stimulating environment, we provide an education of body, mind and spirit. We educate for life. We help young people to become happy, confident and competent people of hope and personal integrity, with a deep sense of justice and compassion, and with this a sense of social responsibility to transform the world around them. We are united around a set of values that shape our vision and practice of education.

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    Show Private Schools. We show private schools detail from all over South Africa because you need to find the best school for your child. We include the telephone number as well as when available the website link.

    The South African Schools Act (SASA) of 1996 established a national schooling system and recognised two categories of schools: public and independent. Public schools are state controlled and independent schools are privately governed. All private schools were included into the independent school category.

    Welcome to – Looking for a Private School in South Africa? You are on the right site. Browse by Province below or Search for an Independent School by name. Find Private School contact details.