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Curro Academy Mahikeng is a mainstream school and our mission is to engender a climate of goodwill, enthusiasm, dedication and co-operation. In 2015 we will accommodate Grade RR - Grade 10. Grade 11 and 12 will phase in annually from 2016.

We aim to stimulate and motivate learners to receive and enjoy quality education, the necessary life skills and respect for diversity to guide them towards responsible adulthood, enabling them to take their rightful place in society.

Our Grade RR class will provide a sound and safe environment where each child is extended and growth is encouraged academically, socially, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

In the Primary and Secondary Schools, the focus is on academic excellence with an emphasis on preparation for tertiary education. A disciplined, safe and stable environment is offered and a culture of “quality in the classroom” is supported by a well-managed curriculum and committed educators. Our schools offer extended school hours to provide academic support.

Along with the core values, Curro Academy Mahikeng will teach learners the values of respect, manners, hard work and commitment, honesty and integrity, promoting a sense of self -worth, potential and self-value.

The enhanced mainstream curriculum places emphasis on gateway subjects such as mathematics, science and accounting, but also gives the necessary attention to computer literacy and information technology.

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    The South African Schools Act (SASA) of 1996 established a national schooling system and recognised two categories of schools: public and independent. Public schools are state controlled and independent schools are privately governed. All private schools were included into the independent school category.

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