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Curro Mount Richmore is a new independent school in Salt Rock on the North Coast of KZN. It is a co-ed parallel medium school instructing from Group 4 to Grade 8. The High School will grow grade by grade each year.

Curro Mount Richmore is set in the scenic Mount Richmore estate on the KZN North Coast. We offer an ‘explore and express’ system of learning which is governed by a Christian ethos.

Curro Mount Richmore is in die asemrowende Mount Richmore Estate aan die KZN Noord-Kus geleë. Ons leerwyse is gebaseer op Christelike waardes en ons bied ‘n leerwyse van ‘verken en uitdruk’ aan.


Mount Richmore Estate, New Salt Rock Road, Salt Rock, Ballito 4392


PostNet Suite 349, Private Bag, X0001, Ballito 4420


T 087 285 1671



Mr S Cromie


S 29˚ 29’ 43.58” E 31˚ 13’ 45.58”

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The South African Schools Act (SASA) of 1996 established a national schooling system and recognised two categories of schools: public and independent. Public schools are state controlled and independent schools are privately governed. All private schools were included into the independent school category.

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