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Curro schools provide quality school education, including sport and culture, to learners from 3 months to Grade 12. These co-ed schools are traditionally parallel medium ( Afrikaans and English in separate classes) from Group 4 to Grade 9 and duel medium from Grade 10 to Grade 12. Class sizes are limited to 25 learners per class. A wide subject choice is offered in the FET phase and the IEB (Independent Examinations Board) examination is written at the end of Grade 12.

Curro schools have comprehensive facilities and offer a wide variety of co-curricular activities whilst school fees are kept affordable. A typical campus could accommodate up to 2000 learners.

Curro is committed to setting the bench- mark for education in South Africa by embracing 21st Century skills that children need in their daily lives.

Now also enrolling Gr 6 & 8 for 2015. Limited space available.

Book your space now!


Curro skole voorsien onafhanklike skool onderrig aan leerders van 3 maande tot Graad 12. Klasgrootes is klein en die matrieks skryf die IEB matriekeksamen aan die einde van Graad 12. Ons gekombineerde skole verskaf parallelmedium onderrig in Afrikaans en Engels vanaf Groep 4 – Graad 9 en dubbelmedium vanaf Graad 10 – Graad 12. Ons bied ‘n groot verskeidenheid van vakkeuses aan ons leerders vanaf Graad 10 – Graad 12.
Curro skole bied uitstekende fasiliteite en asook ‘n wye reeks van buite-muurse aktiwiteite. Skoolgelde word bekostigbaar gehou en ‘n tipiese kampus kan tot 2000 leerders akkommodeer.

Ons is verbind tot die lewer van onderrig in Suid-Afrika wat die maatstaf van alle onderrig stel deur die aanvaarding van 21ste eeuse vaardighede wat ons leerders gaan benodig in hulle daaglikse lewe.


Cnr of Nelson Mandela and Coen Brits Streets, Secunda


T 083 354 4661 (Regional Marketer)

Curro Secunda School Gr R - Gr 5



S 26° 31’ 25.5" E 029° 11’ 34.7"

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