Trinityhouse Pre-Primary Little Falls joined the Trinityhouse family in January 2012. The school is a Christian school and we value the unique richness of every individual child. The Christian ethos we have at our school is not a religion but rather a lifestyle. The Fruit of the Spirit is integrated throughout our daily programme.

We help young children to become happy, confident and competent. We do believe that good self-esteem leads to spontaneous and experimental learning. The children are taught to love each other and to respect each other’s differences. They are taught to be kind and considerate. Each child is encouraged to grow and to develop good life skills. The stimulating environment develops inquiring minds and the love for school and learning.

The school is committed to fostering strong communication and close co-operation with the parents. We host annual events such as Information evenings, a sunset picnic, Mother’s day, Father’s day, Grandparent’s day, our annual concert, charity drives, a graduation ceremony for our Grade R’s, etc. We invite guests to entertain and inform the children such as puppet shows, Fire Brigade, Mobile Zoo, Fish friends, etc.

The children are assessed throughout the year and because of our “Learning through play” approach, the children are unaware that they are being assessed. This allows an optimum environment in which to assess each relaxed and happy individual’s strengths and consolidation requirements. Each teacher has her own observation file and a portfolio file for each child. The observation sheets are worked out according to the National Curriculum and they are not only differentiated in the different ages, but also in progression to meet all the assessment standards. The Grade R reports cover all the necessary elements which we need to observe for school readiness. The parents are kept up to date regularly by informal parent interviews throughout the term. At the end of the first, second and fourth term the parents receive a written report, which is followed up by an interview if necessary.

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    The South African Schools Act (SASA) of 1996 established a national schooling system and recognised two categories of schools: public and independent. Public schools are state controlled and independent schools are privately governed. All private schools were included into the independent school category.

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