Trinityhouse Pre-Primary Randpark Ridge is where it all began! From the very beginning in 2002, this little Pre-Primary School was given to the Lord, and in honouring God, it was built up into a precious, happy, and love-filled place! The strong Godly principals and the excellent academic standard, together with a carefully differentiated approach, catering for the specific needs of every individual child from Grade OOO – Grade R was a winning recipe. This led to four other successful Trinityhouse Pre-Primary Schools today.
Our School is divided into three phases of learning, Grade 000, Grade 00 and Grade 0 (Grade R). Our holistic educational programme is in line with the National Curriculum Policy. This is combined with a sensory integrated perceptual programme.
Learn through play
Through play we aim for the following objectives:
To promote the emotional social and physical development of the child.
To help the child feel good about themselves and what they are doing.
To provide opportunities to reason, solve problems, make decisions, draw conclusions and express opinions without fear of rejection or ridicule.
To develop a positive attitude towards school learning through a nurturing environment.
To provide guidance in developing self-discipline.
To develop the ability to communicate.
To build the foundation for academic areas – basic skills and concepts in language, the arts, science, social studies and mathematics.
To provide an atmosphere which allows for creativity.
Sensory Garden
The children love to walk and play in our beautiful sensory garden where they can see, touch and smell various plants like lavender and others.
Cycle Track
Each of the grades have their own age-appropriate cycle tracks. Children are encouraged to play and learn some ‘traffic-skills’ while playing.
The programme is flexible and carefully structured to suit the needs of parents and children. Parents can choose full-time, part-time, or ad-hoc aftercare, depending on their need.
Jungle Gyms
We a wide variety of toys for our children to play on, like a sandpit, garden toys and many more. Jungle Gyms are designed to be safe and children always play while being supervised.
Our library creates a space for countless adventures and large imaginations for our children.
We have a heart for children in our city that are in need. We are involved in various outreach projects including Make a Difference.
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The South African Schools Act (SASA) of 1996 established a national schooling system and recognised two categories of schools: public and independent. Public schools are state controlled and independent schools are privately governed. All private schools were included into the independent school category.